Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good news everyone!

Okay, after doing some searching, I don't have to code it from scratch. :D
I found the source code to Keropi, another X68000 emulator. Working off of it, sx68k
development moves ahead.


AamirM said...

Interesting project you have here :). I seriously like X68000 computer. I have ordered one and it should get to me in about ~6 or so months (sea mail shipping, yeah I am cheap). I'll be happy to test anything specific for you once it gets here.

Mistress Saeko said...

Thanks for the offer AamirM. As for being cheap, there's nothing wrong with that. ^.^
Love TurboEngine by the way, it's my favorite PCE/TG16 emulator.

Trypticon said...

Well, this is a bit late, but M.E.S.S. also support it. Perhaps you can get some insights from it as well (I would suppose rather not for various reasons, but I thought it couldn't hurt to mention it either).

Mistress Saeko said...

Thanks for the heads up about MESS adding support for the X68000. The code for Keropi is a mess. I can't make heads or tails of it.

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